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E q u i p m e n t

Our Development

Most schools in Hong Kong adopt the Microsoft platforms for post production, which we consider a short-sighted approach. With the same stringent limitations in resources, we ventured to adopt the stable Mac OS X policy, together with the most favored software in the professional circle - Final Cut Pro X, Adobe After Effects, DaVinci Resolve, Pixel Farm PFTrack, Red Gaint, Copilot, Izotope RX 5 Suite and Digital Performer 9.1, to name just a few. Only with these do we see real professional production - and this is essential for professional training. It is not that we underestimate the cost of equipment and software; it is only that we clearly perceive the undesirable limitations to students in their learning owing to simply tight budget. Students qualities, skills and learning are crucial! While teachers squeeze out our best capacity, students can share the same all-out enthusiasm teachers have --- on this common ground sprouted the Multimedia Production Team our school, surpassing formidable barriers and technical challenges.

今日香港大部份學校,實際情況而選用較普遍的微軟作業平台進行後期製作。我們同樣面對著嚴峻的現實限制,但我們選用了穩定性高的 Mac OS X 作業系統,配合業界標準的 Final Cut Pro X, Adobe After Effects, DaVinci Resolve, Pixel Farm PFTrack, Red Gaint, Copilot, Izotope RX 5 Suite 與 Digital Performer 9.1 等應用軟件,讓學生製作出具備專業質素的作品。事實上,上述軟件價格不菲。但我們不希望有質素的學生因為資源的限制而表現受阻,發展受障礙。更重要的,是師生都懷著相同的熱誠,願意擺上時間和心力,一方面願掏腰包,另一方面用心去掌握艱深但專業的電腦技術,同心建立了我們自己的媒體製作隊。

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